In February 2019 the International Class at Rødby Skole had previously visited TUEC to learn more about Japan as a preparation for their study tour. On April 1st, 2019 the class came back to visit TUEC to report on their study tour to Higashi-Matsushima, Japan. After giving student presentations at TUEC about their experiences of traveling Higashi-Matsushima and attending class at local Japanese schools among many other things, they had supper before returning to Lolland.
A study group consisting of medicine students, nursing students and social welfare students (in all 19 students and four accompanying teachers) from Tokai University, Japan, visited Denmark from February 23rd - March 3rd. With TUEC as their base, the objective for the study group was to learn about the Danish welfare, health, social and educational systems. To this end TUEC had arranged visits to the national hospital, partner institutions (University of Copenhagen, Deaconess University College & University College Absalon), an activity center for senior citizens, Statens Serum Institute, the Medical Museion, and much more to give the delegation comprehensive insight into the structure and values of Danish society.
As preparation for their study tour to Higashi-Matsushima, Japan, in February 2019 the international class at Rødby Skole came to visit TUEC to learn more about Japan. They were introduced to various aspects of Japanese culture, history, religion and language as well as topics specific to the Tohoku area, which they were to visit, such as the Great East Japan Earthquake. After the introduction the class was treated to Japanese green tea and given a tour of the premises before returning to Lolland.
Design Students from Tokai University, Sapporo Campus, in Denmark from Sept. 7 - Sept. 12, 2018.9/17/2018 The program for the study trip included a visit to the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) for the purpose of discussing sustainable design, UN's sustainable development goals, circular economy, and the role and responsibilty of designers in the global shift to "greener" economies, production and consumption. In addition, the group visited the University of Copenhagen, where students from the Japan Studies program hosted an afternoon of cultural exchange activities. The study program was concluded by a visit to the Royal Library, for the purpose of studying its design and architecture - especially the newer "Black Diamond" building.
The nursing study group (consisting og first and second year nursing students) visited Denmark in order to learn more about Danish education, health care, welfare and culture. The group spent the first half of the visit in the Copenhagen area (with TUEC as its base) , and then moved on to Silkeborg for the second leg of the study program. The program included visits to the Danish Nurses' Organization (DSR), a forest kindergarten, Silkeborg hospital, primary care facilities, as well as nursing schools in both Silkeborg and Horsens.
This was the 44th year in a row that a nursing student delegation from Tokai University Junior College of Nursing and Medical Technology has visited Denmark!
ACTIVITIESAll previously held activities are uploaded here. Archive
January 2025